
Panel speakers

I’ve attended many writing conferences over the years and enjoyed them all. As a matter of fact, I coordinated five ORA conferences in the late ’90’s and early 2000’s, it’s not an easy job. So, (I know, you shouldn’t start a sentence with, so. LOL) I’d like to give applause and say ORAcon2013 was one of the best conferences ever! Bravo to the coordinators and all the volunteers, you did a GREAT job! I’m already looking forward to ORAcon2014!

Over the years, I’ve come to know and love many writing friends, a lot of them attended the event, and it was good to see them. I’ve partnered with some in writing, publishing, editing, teaching, etc., and I’m proud to say I have high respect for each and every one. I don’t have to drop names, they will know who they are if they read this post.

I think it’s amazing how writers pull together to support each other, whether it be to critique a draft manuscript or promote a finished book, we seem to get it done. (Social media has had a big hand in our ability to do so.) Like Cecily White said at the conference, ‘we’re a community’, and I’m proud to live in the neighborhood.

It was a great time Saturday and I learned a lot, but most of all I enjoyed seeing old friends, meeting new ones and getting back in touch with the writing world. What I mean by that is, though I’ve never really left the writing world, this weekend I learned there are sooooo many new avenues to walk down in our community a person could never learn them all! The information age is upon us and it’s definitely moving faster than this old gal! I love it.

Oh, and the book signing on Friday at B&N was a big hit as well.

book signing


Grandparents Day

Teeny Tiny Chairs

Teeny Tiny Chairs

Grandparents Day is the one day we get to see how our grandkid’s spend their time in school. Well, today was that day for my seven year old granddaughter. We’ll call her AK.

I started the day with my phone alarm going off. It’s a very annoying high pitched ring and my husband hates it, so I grabbed it before it woke him up. I looked at the reminder that told me I needed to be at AK’s school at 8:00 a.m. We were in the middle of a thunder storm, rain tapped on the window, dogs cuddled up hiding from the noise, and I didn’t want to get up. I forced myself, grabbed my coffee, dressed then it was time to go.

I was almost at the school, but they must have moved it because it sure wasn’t where I thought it was. I don’t know who I was talking to, but I said, “Where the hell is it?”

There was a car in front of me that had a bumper sticker that read, Honk if you love Jesus, Text if you want to meet him today. I texted my son anyway.

Me: Is it on Nicholas?

Son: What?

Me: School, Nicholas or Gregg?

Son: Gregg?

Okay, I wondered why there was a question mark after the word Gregg, but it didn’t take me long to find out. My phone rang and caller ID said…SON…”Yes?”

“Where are you and what are you doin’?”

“I’m tryin’ to get to the school by 8:00, but I’m gonna be late?”

“8:00, she doesn’t even go to school till 8:45. Why are you so early?”

“My phone alarm woke me up at 6:30 and said ‘school 8:00’ so I thought that’s when I was supposed to be there.” By this time I’d found the stinking school and was pulling into the, almost empty, parking lot. (I want to know which phantom wine bottle put that time in my calendar!)


That’s what he calls me instead of Mother. “What?”

“It’s not until 1:40 this afternoon.”

“What? $#!+!” You can imagine what that word is.

Laughter, laughter and more laughter…”I’m sorry for the mix up.”

“You are not.”

Later, at 1:40, I got to the school…AGAIN…got to the gym, saw a fantastic second grade singing show, (of course SHE was the cutest of them all) then went back to AK’s classroom. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit over weight. Have you ever seen the itty bitty chairs they want you to sit your big ole butt in to do ‘find the word’ puzzles?

Well, let me tell you, mine was hanging over the sides. Stop laughing. No, really, stop laughing because if you think that’s funny, you should have seen me trying to get off that thing when it was time to go. My poor little granddaughter’s neck is never going to be the same after I pushed down on her head to hoist myself out of that teeny tiny chair. Stop laughing. Where are those big bouncers from the neighborhood nightclub when you need ’em?

All in all, it was a wonderful day. Time well spent with AK. I gave her a silk rose with a little bear on top. She loved it and didn’t want me to leave, but all good things must come to an end. The hug she gave me before I left? Hey, that made it all worth while.

One of the things I love about being a granny is…when you get tired, you can send their little hind ends home!

Becoming a small press publisher

Paperback Press Publishing Logo

Paperback Press Publishing Logo



Becoming a small press publisher is a trying, but gratifying experience. My husband and I have had A & S Publishing for years but mostly publish music, so publishing books is a new venture for us.

Our focus is on independent authors who want to keep their own rights, royalties, and every other aspect of their work, while we help them get their stories to the public in a professional way. Our indie authors will be able to use our logo’s, publishing company names, ISBN’s, bar codes, and our formatting expertise for all types of publishing.

A & S Publishing has four imprints, Paperback Press Publishing, e-book Press Publishing, Audio Book Press Publishing and Kids Book Press Publishing. We hope to launch by the first of October, but already have clients waiting. THAT’s exciting!

My real concern is that I won’t have time for my own writing. I a member of some local writing groups and I think they’ll keep me focused. At least I hope so. I have one project that I’ve been working on for a few years now, and can’t seem to get it finished. Maybe I’ll get to write tomorrow seems to come out of my mouth quite often. However, right now I’m thinking, maybe I’ll get to write today.